
Showing posts from April, 2021

Comparing 4 playsation logos

  These images above are the PlayStation logos that have been used through its creation. The logo at the top is the logo used for the PlayStation 2. The second console to release from the brand. The design is what i would say is very unique. I belive this is mostly to come from the font, the colour of the text has no real effect on my opinion of the design. However comparing the design to others. This is the design that stands out to me. All of the other designs share at least some resemblance to the other designs.  The next design is the classic PlayStation branding this was the logo used for the original PlayStation one. The actual logo does a lot to grab the eye with the colours being vibrant. However again the text is quite similar to the more recent designs. But I believe that this logo is absolutely the most iconic logo. And I’m sure this design had an effect on how popular and how well the original PlayStation sold.  The 3rd design is the PlayStation 3 design. This...

Interview with Tess on PlayStation adverts

 This video is a small interview with a fan of PlayStation.

PlayStation article (PlayStations blog)

Image Recently PlayStation made a choice that annoyed a lot of people. This choice was the idea that they were going to remove the online store from the PlayStation 3 and vita. This article link I just posted above is a link to the official PlayStation blog. This blog is from the official PlayStation as stated, so obviously they would want to break this news themselves that they were actually going back on the decision and not removing the store from both of these consoles. They would want to break the information themselves. It is very important to link this PlayStation blog, as this is the official word on PlayStation and everything involved. Especially this post as it was posted by the actual ceo of PlayStation.

PlayStation 5 article Play has no limits

Image The link above links to an article talking about one of the adverts released before the PlayStation 5 release. I picked this especially because of the fantastic description of how PlayStation creates these trailers. It talks about how instead of showing gameplay or any kind of console. The trailer creates a kind of world of wonder for the viewer to be enthralled in. But the other reason I picked this article is the fact that the article also gives a healthy amount of  information relating to the release of the ps5 and where and when you can find it.

PlayStation Facebook use of videos

  As you can see from this image above. The PlayStation Facebook page also has an entire page related to videos that the page has released. You can either view all of the videos in that row. It’s hard to see but you can see the reactions that people can react to videos with. Whether it’s a happy sad or angry face and many others. You can also see just like YouTube videos how many views a video has. This shows how popular the video has been with the audience. This helps to show the admins what kind of content is receiving more traction. You can also see the most popular video at the time. Also included is the fact that you can leave comments on videos. The main purpose of these videos is obviously to promote certain content. Whether this is the brand trying to sell something or even to promote community events such as fighting game live streams. This means that the videos are not just for selling merchandise and games and consoles, but are actively trying to keep people interested i...

PlayStations Facebook general description

  PlayStation also has a Facebook account which has substantially more likes then the Twitter account page. However the two do share similarities. Both pages post content related to PlayStation games and content that are coming out. You can see in the image above also that the images are all related to PlayStation. Whether it’s is the PlayStation logo or even gaming gear such as headsets or controllers. The Facebook page also includes updates for the PlayStation brand like the PlayStation store being kept open for the PlayStation 3 and vita. This is helpful information so it is a good idea if you want to keep update on important information like this. This page also serves as a way for the brand to sell new content such as video games. Such as the new game coming out called ratchet and clank. The game was only revealed a couple of hours ago. But PlayStation already has 3 posts up both showing off gameplay off the game and a small trailer. Showing off the story in the trailer and th...

Reaction video to ps5 trailer


Links to PlayStation adverts

  Available below are links to some of my favourite PlayStation trailers and adverts, that I really feel encapsulates the feeling of playing video games with freinds or even seeing some of the most iconic characters from PlayStation used in the trailers and adverts. The PlayStation 5 trailer appears to show real life footage such as the launch of rockets into space and famous people breaking records such as the land speed record. - a perfect day (PS4 launch) - play has no limit (Ps5 launch) - PlayStation 4 launch -PlayStation 2 launch 

An article on for the players

Image This article discusses one of the many trailers for the playsation  4 that was released in 2013. The article gives both a brief description of the trailer and a list of the company’s involved in the creation. To further credit the article also includes a full list of everyone individually involved in the creation of the trailer.

PlayStations logo

 Here included in this link is an article talking about how the play station logo has changed over the years and how it has stayed the same. It goes from the start at ps1 to the iconic PlayStation two logo to the forgettable ps3 logo. This article is important as to show the history of how logos can affect the advertising of a product or company.

PlayStations Twitter

 PlayStation uses its Twitter in order to promote its content. The content it promotes can be both video games or even content. As you can see from the image above. You can see that they are both promoting games that have been released and are being released. PlayStation also has community posts. This one on example is a link to a poll where people can vote upon their players choice games.  I would say that these community posts are to keep engagement on the Twitter high. PlayStation Twitter also uses a lot of images and gifs and videos on the posts. This is definitely in order to make the posts more intresting to look at. I would say people would be a lot more willing to click on a Twitter post if there is a video or gif in reference to the text in the post. It’s also helpful on the Twitter that most of the Twitter posts have links to the PlayStation website in order to receive more information on the posts. I also wanted to state the fact that the PlayStation admins however ...

What is PlayStation

PlayStation is a brand created in 1994 that specialises in the creation and distribution of video games and video game consoles.  PlayStation is a very popular brand. I believe that this is a large amount due to the very popular advertising that it has always kept up through the years whether through trailers for games or consoles.