PlayStations Twitter
PlayStation uses its Twitter in order to promote its content. The content it promotes can be both video games or even content. As you can see from the image above. You can see that they are both promoting games that have been released and are being released. PlayStation also has community posts. This one on example is a link to a poll where people can vote upon their players choice games.
I would say that these community posts are to keep engagement on the Twitter high. PlayStation Twitter also uses a lot of images and gifs and videos on the posts. This is definitely in order to make the posts more intresting to look at. I would say people would be a lot more willing to click on a Twitter post if there is a video or gif in reference to the text in the post. It’s also helpful on the Twitter that most of the Twitter posts have links to the PlayStation website in order to receive more information on the posts.
I also wanted to state the fact that the PlayStation admins however many there are must have some kind of guide on how to write posts. This is because of the posts having a semi serious post. However unlike most of the other company twitters. PlayStation has kept it quite professional and has not started to use playful banter.
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